Who am I ?

Find out about Gaëlle here.

Gaëlle Gosselin
3 min readJan 3, 2022
Gaëlle in Nieu-Bethesda

Why would you be interested in what I have to say if you don’t know who I am ?

I could have included this in my introduction post, but there were other things to say, and let’s face it, you might not give a flying hoot who I am, so then you can skip this post and I won’t mind the least bit. To be honest, as I write this, I have a current readership of 0, so I can write what I like and how I like it without thinking what will people think and that feels really good !

Hahaha truth be told that is one concept I have grappled with for as long as I can remember. My mother used to say to me “you can’t wear that, what will people think!” and so I would wear that because I rather liked the idea that people would have something to think about of me.

That pretty much describes me. Product of old French heritage wrestling with British 70s hippie genetics as provided by my parents. Landed in Saint-Malo, France, just before the 1976 hottest summer in recorded history (or so they say), I was subsequently uprooted at the tender age of 8 to a country as far south down our time-zone as one could go — that would be South Africa if you look on the world map — I reckon just to see if we kids would feel the old country calling us back.

It certainly did. For my little sister, the old country made use of the old girl-meets-boy trick which ensured her repatriation immediately after finishing high school. For my part, girl met local boy so was not inclined to leave just yet. Instead, the two new adults road-tripped throughout most of Africa, by foot, car, truck, train, boat and bus. And camel-back.

The old-country did try once again with me after that — when my grandmother left us I almost went back for good, but decided to make children instead. If you’d asked me half a dozen years earlier if I could imagine myself as a 40 year-old twice-divorced soccer-mom with a house, a car, a dog and a desk job, I would have laughed and taken note not to end up like that. Pity you didn’t ask me then because that’s exactly where I ended up. Luckily you can make your own decisions so after I realised this was not really how I wanted my story to end I started writing a new one. Don’t get me wrong, there are far worse places to end up in life, in fact, mine has been really good and I don’t regret a minute of it, but I have often thought back to the rambling days and wondered why I couldn’t have that again.

So here we are. Rambling on about going rambling.

That’s enough for today, I’ll download more in the next post.

Keep rambling !


